What does 😩 mean?

What does 😩 mean

What does 😩 mean?

😩 means when someone is tired and feeling weak.

When people use the 😩 emoji, they’re often trying to explain something that’s going on in their lives.

It’s like they’re saying, “I just can’t take this anymore, it’s too much!”

Maybe they’re dealing with a difficult work project, a stressful relationship, or a challenging personal situation, and the 😩 emoji is a way to express how drained they feel.

It’s kind of like letting out a big sigh or groan, but in emoji form.

Safe for work Yes

Safe for children Yes

Meaning from a male Annoyed | Tired

Meaning from a female Annoyed | Tired

The Year it gained popularity 2012

Primary community social media and Text messaging

Β Examples and alternate interpretations

“It’s just so much work! 😩”

Emotion: Annoyed

Intention: The individual texting this is expressing annoyance at the overwhelming amount of work taking up their time. “Of course, it had to happen today! 😩”

Emotion: Tired

Intention: Another instance of someone sharing their fatigue by expressing how tired they feel.

Popularity over time



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